We've also have things like invasions by bugs, spiders, and rhino guy. When I play I am only allowed to be "the woman" because I am "a woman", and I can only clean the toilet and cook. Yes - this dollhouse has a toilet.
Lately, Peter also likes taking pictures of the things he's doing. Here are his pics of his dollhouse setup.

Also last week the collar bone bandage was cut off. We went to the doctor early Tuesday morning for our three week check-up. The nurse poked and prodded a bit, asked him to move his arm in a circle and then said - OK, you're fine. Bye. She didn't even offer to cut off the bandage. Socialized medicine people. I found out early they do the bare minimum. That nurse simply does not have it in our time slot to find a scissor and snip.
Plans for Friday were up in the air for a bit. Rich tried to schedule a morning meeting in Copenhagen. That way Peter and I could go along over to Zealand with him and try out some new museums in the afternoon (we rarely go over that way since the bridge fare is $80 round trip). But the meeting fell through.
So instead we opted for a trip to our favorite beach in Nyborg. The weather that day was cold and gloomy - but Peter was bouncing off the walls so staying indoors was out of the question. Peter played at the park, fed the goats some un-cooked noodles, and then did a little scavenging on the beach.

Later that day we headed south of Odense for swimming lessons - but no one was there. As I was pulling into the parking lot I remembered that it was winter break week - therefore, no classes. Bummer. So on Saturday we headed back over to Nyborg to their swimming hall.
Last time were were there, the water in the kid pool was up to Peter's shoulders. This time around it was only up to his chest. He must have grown a good 5 inches in the last year!
After not gaining a pound from the age of 1 to 2, this is just fabulous. I don't know if its just the way he's growing, but I do know that his diet has really improved in the last year..and I really hope we can keep with this *slow food* menu when we get back to the conveniences, temptations, and bargain prices of the U.S.
Just to give you an idea - I saw Oreos at the store yesterday. The cost: just under $4 for a box of 16 cookies. That's like one row in U.S. packaging. It makes you think twice before buying (and yesterday I sadly passed on the Oreos).
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