Peter's birthday day started off with a visit to the dentist. About a month ago I got a card in the mail from the Kommune (a.k.a. the government) that said that he was scheduled for an appointment. The dentist's office was inside an elementary/middle school complex. Danish citizens get *free* dental care until the age of 18. I think this appointment was basically preventative care to see how the kid is doing at age 5, and then take action if needed.
Needless to say (but I will)... his teeth were perfect, no cavities, his brushing is great, and he's got a nice bite (its not uncommon to see a 4 year old with a pacifier around here). He walked out of the office with 4! prizes and a smile.

Then off we went to daycare with an R2D2 cake. The boys love playing Star Wars, so this cake went over really well them.

He came home that day with a pirate hat and his present from daycare - each of the kids made him a picture, and then they were all bound into a book.

The following day was a party with expat playgroup friends. We had it at an indoor play area since my house is too too too small. Overall everything went well. The kids liked the art project (making their own crowns), and the cake was gobbled up (another creation by Rich). Peter got lots of thoughtful gifts. And even better - he exclaimed excitedly at each one - one mom said that it was nice that he liked everything so much. Then, after cake everyone wore themselves out in the ball pit.
He was too tired for swimming, so we went home and I plopped him in the shower - where he turned into a sneezing snotty mess - at least the cold started after the festivities were complete.
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