Saturday, November 22, 2008

For Friday playgroup we went back to the Fjord & Baelt aquarium. This summer the third floor was bring remodelled, and it was all ready for us this visit. They built this kiddie-size, seal-trapper's, snow-lodge thing on top of an iceberg. It was pretty cool.

The aquarium is different each time we go. The local fishermen will drop off whatever they happen to find that they won't be eating. Neat and new this time were small spotted sharks, and big ol' lobsters. I asked a familiar staff guy if they were planning on eating them, and he just smiled - that kind of smile that says "Yep".

I had to cook turkey on Saturday, so I needed to get rid of the guys for a while. Pete hates running errands, but he will go on a "mission". That day it happened to be a *B* mission - banana, bread, and brewski.

Saturday evening was the expat Thanksgiving dinner. No pictures of Pete at the party however - he was moving fast and non-stop from 4pm until 9:30pm. I did get one shot of his jewelry (he likes to dress up for these things).

And - No rest for the weary - he was up bright and early this morning at 7:15.

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