Last Sunday we went to a Julemarked in a complex of old farm building just outside of Odense.
In the food building they had local beer, wine, juice, honey, jams, seasoned sea salt, dandelion tea and medicine, and meats. I picked up some super duper awesomely fabulous cheese - called Senorita. Unfortunately, the lady gave me a package without the label, so I don't know if I'll ever be able to find it again.
In the big barns there was lots of knitted and felted things, special (and expensive) brooms, Christmas arrangements, and other Danish *Christmas-y* things that are hard to explain without rambling on and on.
I liked this lady's stuff. Stone wear made into typical Danish things - mushrooms, flower and garlic bulbs, and these awesome giant chestnuts.
And also in some buildings were places to eat. But there were no kitchens, so it was hard for me to really figure out where the food was kept and cooked...Except for the grill place - they BBQed your food right outside the entry door.
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