Friday, November 21, 2008

Football - European Style

By: Rich Barrett

Pete and I went to a Danish fodbold spil (soccer game) last Sunday. He did pretty well for a 4 year old. He lasted until the 21st minute before he said 'let's go home'. The first goal was at about the 58 minute mark. After a walk around the park, some snacks and hot chocolate, Pete was ready to go. It's a good thing that the hot chocolate lasted until the 57th minute. We saw the 1st goal, gave a 'high five' and walked out of the stadium.

Just cementing in my mind why I much prefer the American version of football. If somebody isn't making a touchdown within the first 5 minutes, we Americans are a little bored with the progress and start to question the Offensive Coordinator and his play calling. Pete and I probably won't be attending many more soccer games in the near future.

(But they did like it enough to buy some matching Odense Ball Club shirts.)

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