Thursday, June 27, 2013

Riverbend Farm CSA Week 2

This week's bounty: kale, arugula, 3! different beautiful heads of lettuce, radishes, a kohlrabi, and some cornmeal.

I used last week's rapini in a pasta dish (pasta, andouille sausage, rapini, fresh red onions and radishes, plus some feta cheese). And with the mizuna, I added it (chopped and steamed) to some red potatoes with onions and bacon. The rest (lettuces and arugula) was eaten as salad or on sandwiches.

Lots of recipe ideas from this week.  I might try the arugula soup.

This is what I did with last week's rhubarb - a chutney.  Ingredients were: chopped rhubarb, 3 small-medium white onions, a small handful raisins, less than 1/3 cup vinegar, a cup of sugar, coarse Dijon mustard, curry powder, and salt (not my original recipe, but a friend from DK, who happens to be of English decent, hence the curry).  I threw all the ingredients in a pot and boiled them until soft.  I chose to keep it chunky, rather than blend it smooth.  Now I need to get some good bread to spread it on.

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