Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Holiday Week

I've really lost track of time these past few days. Rich (and the rest of DK) has been on Easter vacation since Thursday. Today is everyone's last day off, but if I remember correctly from last year, there are LOTS of religious holidays still in our spring queue.

Early in the week we (really *me*) cleaned out the guinea pig boxes. Peter decided to smash old BBQ coal on the umbrella anchor...then he had a mid-day soak in the tub; ash just doesn't rinse off in the shower.

I called Rich home from work on Wednesday morning. I was too sick to stay awake. So from Wednesday through Friday, it was basically *the boys doing their thing*. Biking, hiking, and swimming (indoors).

Saturday we had an afternoon picnic with friends. Peter had fun playing with his friends, and his friend's brother who is an official *big boy*, Peter loves hanging around older kids.

I never get tired of this view.

Sunday we ventured out to Trente Mølle. This place has an old mill, a nature trail through coniferous woods, and .... a holy spring. We didn't make it to church on Sunday, but Rich and Peter drank from the holy waters of St. Oluf. Our guide book said - "St. Oluf's spring is a holy spring, and its waters are said to have the power to cure minor complaints. Taste the water that runs from the lions jaws".

We also saw a couple of giant anthills on our walk. We walked right by the first one without even seeing it. I would hate to accidentally step on one of these things. Its a short video clip because I didn't want these things crawling up my pants.

After Trente Mølle we headed even further southwest to Helnæs. We checked out the 300 hectare Made (translated 'Mead') but it is a bit early (and it seems a bit dry) for birdwatching. The book says that the area is ablaze with color (from heather) in May. It might be worth a trip back on a less windy day.

And today, the weather was slightly cold, slightly windy - not bad enough to stay put. So we headed on down to an area called Knudshoved in south Nyborg. In the marshy area we saw a couple of storks, and in the woods we saw some deer. There is a large lake in the area, but we didn't spend time there. I guess the birds are breeding from now until June.

Then we went to McDonalds for coffee and ice cream. Over here they have a stor (big) cafe latte. Its so really is big, and foamy, and costs a paltry 15 krone. It comes hot, and quick, and its my new guilty please. Damn that McDonalds.

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