...And speaking of the Internet - Rich was listening (on the computer) to his radio guys, who talked about the dad of a friend of mine. I told my friend what the radio guy said (it was nice). He told his dad. That dad talked to somebody. And then the radio guys talked about how *some guy* in DK is listening to them.
We completed the loop!
Anyhoo...we are home today because Pete's face is swollen and hivey. Still.
After picking up Peter from daycare yesterday we went and did a little more Christmas shopping (I wanted to collect Danish xmas stuff, like the *day* candles). To keep Peter happy I gave him some Bob the Builder cracker/cookies. These were on our allergy food list as sketchy-at-best, and after yesterday's itchy face we won't be buying them again. He popped a dissolvable benadryl pill (love those things) in the DK equivalent of Home Depot and seemed to be ok.
But then right before bed I decided to give him his new vitamin D supplement in a glass of milk. Its in liquid form, colorless. Kids need extra vitamin D here because 1) there is no sunlight for a good 7 months straight, and 2) they don't add it to foods like the do in the US (its not in milk, or cereal, or anything that it isn't in naturally). However, after drinking his milk he got hivey again.
Had the medicine worn off from the cookie incident, or was it the supplement. ??? We may never really know.
Yesterday's Christmas shopping was at Bauhaus and Plantorama (nice name huh?) from about 2:30 to 3:30 in the afternoon - but it seemed like the middle of the night.
Pete was a bit mesmerized by their Julemand Band. He's also into guitars right now. So the two things together...plus the soft music...
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