For Peter summer break starts tomorrow. We are off with friends the rest of the week, and will be going to London the following week. When he starts back up he is going to have a new adult leading his group. I think the change will be good and bad.
First the bad - he won't have Helle (his current adult) watching over him. He likes her a lot, so that might be hard.
Now the good - the new adult is a man. Peter responds well to male teachers. At St. Davids, I always knew when there was a boy volunteer; Peter would talk about them more excitedly than the girl teachers/volunteers. This new man was at the bornhave before, but he left for a year to get more schooling. He's been back to bornhave now for a few days and Peter seems to like him. Today was the first day that Peter actually ran away from me while I was unpacking his things because the new guy was outside playing around with the kids.
And, the last two weekends WE MADE IT to the POOL! Which is good, cause now its closed again until the middle of August. Peter does a good job paddling around with the floaties on. He even gets brave and puts his ears in the water, or blows bubbles. Little by little he's getting there.
Who needs to go to the cirucs when you have your own clown.
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