Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 4th!

Rich remembered that Friday was the 4th of July. (Since I'm not working, all I know is what day of the week it is, not the actual date.) He wanted to bring rundstykkers (Danish bread rolls) to work to celebrate - forgetting that a place like Bruggers doesn't exist here (bakeries don't open until 8 am at the earliest). So, no buns for the Danes. I did however dress Peter in his "in July shirt" for the day.

We were back at the slot for playgroup, with a different bunch of kids this time. Even so, Peter said he's had enough of the castle until "it gets cold out".

The day before we were at the aquarium with Lone and Jens. Since its offically summer season, they had a few new displays, and a crab fishing game. The weather was warm and sunny, so we ended the day down on the beach.

Saturday was another beach day. Probably our last for a while. As I write, its getting overcast and cooler.

In the picture above Peter is pointing at the ice cream sign. These things are EVERYWHERE. And when kids see them, they go straight for them, all giddy trying to figure out which one they will choose.

And the thing Peter is holding in the lower right picture is a chubby jellie. At one point a bunch just came in with the waves. I've been told only the red ones are the stinging kind. The rule for Peter however is, only if the other kids are catching them first.

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