Saturday, May 24, 2008

Reptile Zoo

Friday, playgroup was slated to go to Terrariett, but we were the only ones that made it there. That's probably OK too, I don't think the little girls in playgroup would have really liked it much, a few too many loose (but well fed) cockroaches.

Pete's refection in the turtle aquarium. These guys were neat. The aquarium next to it had giant, grey, gross sea worms.

Lots of the lizard pens were not totally enclosed. I guess they can't climb smooth surfaces, only bumpy.

Pete standing on the rat poison box. You see these things all over DK. Speaking of rats, we asked the keeper what the giant python ate - maybe that's what all those guinea pigs were for? Nope, he said. The big snake doesn't care much for guinea pigs, he prefers dead (but warmed up) rats or bunnies.

This guys kept pacing his cage, if he got out he'd be gone in a flash.

And here is Pete later that day looking too cute in his bright blue muscle shirt.

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