Thursday, May 22, 2008

Peterbacca no more

Pete was looking a bit scraggly, so I took advantage of him being home and me having the car to go and get him a haircut this morning. Usually the man will spike Pete's hair, but today he got a mohawk.

Pete's big obsession right now (other than his new key and key chain from Legoland) is muscle shirts. He has to wear one everyday, if he doesn't he will just "die" from being too hot. So don't be fooled by the photo, its nice here, but not above 65 degrees.

We were at Legoland yesterday with friends. Unlike last time, it was cool out, but it didn't rain, and it wasn't a holiday, so there were no lines for the rides. Plus we saw the 4D movie (that means a 3D movie plus wind and a squirt of water), and the aquarium.

Pete picked out a street cleaner truck at the Legoland gift shop. We put it together last night, and then he did it again himself (for the most part) this morning. This is good because in the past Peter wants to keep whatever is built together - forever. And we are trying to show him that much of the fun with legos is taking them apart and then putting them back together again. Peter also picked out a Chewbacca lego key chain (thanks Lone) - which he has named Harry. I finally found a spare key to put on it, and now he won't stay away from the cupboard. Locking, unlocking, sticking things in, taking them out. Maybe its a good time to read The Indian In The Cupboard.

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