Saturday, September 7, 2013

Riverbend Farm CSA Week 12

If this is week 12, then we only have 6 more weeks of CSA.  Bummer!  This week we have: watermelon, rapini, beans, BIG peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, zucchini, broccoli, and those eat-all-parts french radishes.  We got quite a pile of potatoes at home now, but that's not a complaint.  Organic potatoes are much-much-much less chemical laden than the conventional ones.  I'm storing our stockpile in the basement workroom - kind of like a root cellar - so that they "keep" for a few months at least.

State fair finds for 2013. Crop art was so-so. Lots of craft beer creations; trendy trendy.

It seems like fall is the time of year when I stumble across the most interesting things when I'm out-and-about.

This guy was actually spewing a cloud of spores - nature in action!

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