Friday, July 31, 2009

On moving

Its been over a week now since the movers have come and gone. I even got an email today with the name of the ship that our container is on. The Hanjin Chittagong . No ETA as of yet however.

This would be our third move by professional movers, and I gotta say, those Danish movers were probably the most thorough. Not only was the stuff in the boxes wrapped in paper, but the boxes themselves were lined with paper. And I've never had them wrap up our bikes and the likes.

Our last night in Odense we were officially tourists - staying in a hotel downtown and eating out at Mamma's pizza. This is an HC Anderson story statue - The Steadfast Tin Soldier. Odense is were HC grew up, and although we were fond of his stories before our time there, now we are even a bit fonder.

We are also fond of the word fond - Peter uses it often. He does something goofy, I fail to laugh, and he says - Not so fond of that????

Peter's new bike was waiting for him at my mom's place. Its not really new - I found it on Craig's list, such a good deal and only a few blocks from my mom's place too.

After a weekend of car buying and re-acclimating we headed on down to the farm. Slightly new to the mix is Ed's fiance Kayla and her daughter Tianna. Peter is at her heels constantly, and we've never had him eat a better dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's place, sitting next to Tianna and mowing down corn-on-the-cob and Happy Cow steak.

And then that was followed by a little more hanging out, another car buying episode (buying two cars at once is NO NO NO fun), some running through the sprinkler, some playground time with new school-mates, and some swimming in the neighbor's pool.

Two items of note:

1. I'm still working on our France trip pictures.

2. Regarding those pictures of Pete at the farm...Peter has his helmet on because he was riding his bike around, not because we are so safety conscious in the US that we make kids wear helmets while playing outside.

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