We've had season passes to this zoo for about a year and a half. Its been great because there is usually something new at each visit. This time around there were babies. A baby camel, baby seals, baby manatees, and baby guinea pigs (for some odd reason a favorite for the kids). And there were probably more babies that I failed to notice - like I think there were baby mini ponies - but it was hard to tell since they are already almost the size of the adults.
My favorite thing though was seeing the tapir swimming. He even goes underwater. Its like a big swimming pig. But he's stealthy and graceful at it, no floppy doggy-paddling.
Its also summer break, so they have a few more activities than usual.
Like a walk through the creepy yellow monkey pen. Are we watching them, or are they watching us????
Or a little checking-out of a cart with stuffed animal parts and bones.
So, how about a little comparison. The first photo is from March 2008. Its Peter at one of the zoo playgrounds.
Here he is again this past week, at the same spot in the same playground. He's gone from being a cautious dwarf to a lean & mean playground machine. However, he's still not immune to cuts and scrapes - he got a nice big one yesterday on the same said playground.
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