In the U.S. I'm very good at ignoring stuff, and only buying what we need. But since moving here, that has changed a bit. I've learned to slow down and look through all the extra crap -especially at the grocery store, I got glitter glue there the other day for a basement bargain price of $8!
Basically, if I see something I think I might need, I get it now, because it may be hard to find, or simply impossible to get later. Today those odd items were a bag of colored wooden beads, some paper punches in dove and sun shapes, and some small glass kitchen canisters. I know we will use the art stuff, and as for the canisters - by the time I figure out why I need them I'm sure they would be gone from the store forever.
On our list that we didn't get was a bare, bound notebook for drawing. Everything had lines in it, or cost $15. So Grandmas and Aunties (and even Uncles) if you're looking for a small, thin item that you could mail over here to really make our day, it would be one of these.
Bare Books
And for anyone out there with kids, I think these things would make great birthday gifts. They have a comic book series for older kids, and even a gift pack. Lots of nice stuff for a darn good price.
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