The people showing the dairy cows dressed like milk makers.
Here’s Pete checking out the long haired cows. They were mammoth-like.
Down in the kid’s 4H area they had a few games and activities. For the older kids they had stick whittling with nice long knives, or pound a nail as-hard-as-you-can into the old log, or lasso throwing lessons. Although I said a firm *no* to the stick carving, Pete did enjoy holding the guinea pigs.
Saturday the weather was nice, then not-so-nice, oh! then it got nice again, then the clouds were back…it went on like that almost all day. So I looked through my stack of tourist flyers and found one for a place called Sonderby Cliff, locatd to the southwest of us, a little more than a half hour away. The card said that rock collectors like to come to this beach because of the nice stones and amber.
Finding it was a slight challenge, the roads were not really marked to show the way, but Rich told Pete to just think of it like a treasure hunt. And treasure we did find - lots of shells, rocks, and even some amber.
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